I also got my first round of critiques back for the semi-problematic Chapter 5. I think everyone agrees that it's too long. (I think everyone agreed with that) Again, the problem is if I break the chapter in two, what do I do about the POV alternating 'Form' that I've established for the novel? There are also two descriptive passages in the chapter that need to be severely pruned. They add good detail but they slow down the pace of the story. A 'motivation' question came up as well, that I can fix easily enough and I'm glad someone noticed it. The typos, well, I'm embarrassed about them.
I need to re-revise Chapter 2 and put it up for the online critique group's perusal. I WISH I had more time to write and read and critique. But...tonight is IM gaming night and I'm glad for it. After this weekend's hiking shenanigans, I need a night of just sitting in the Throne of Writing (tm)