I ended up writing a good bit, not just correcting spelling. The words just came spilling out of Jael, so I let them come. May have to let them settle and then come back and review them.
I did my first big trim/move as well. At the end of chapter 19 is a big 'bathing' scene, this time with Jael teasing both Balt and Jacob. It felt out of place after Jael was spewing out her feelings about the gods Balt keeps swearing by. I moved the swimming scene to the beginning of chapter 21 but it may just be cut entirely. I'm not sure.
To be honest, there are sections I just want to re-write entirely but for this pass, I was just trying to correct spelling and language. I desperately want to finish this second draft and begin the third, deeper revision. Maybe I should just note in the text what needs to change and move on.
Learning by doing is a long, hard process.