Got a little farther into the next chapter's read-aloud pass. I'm pretty happy with it. Not a lot of changes to be made.
I wonder what would happen if, as an experiment, I cut out all the problem chapters and just left the good ones. Would the story still work? Would readers get confused? What world building would get missed that I'd want to include. I'm really tempted to do this. The real question is, who could I find to read it and give me notes? I still don't have any novel readers, just chapter-by-chapter critiquers. Don't get my wrong, I need their input but for the most part, we're all writers in those groups and don't have a ton of time to just read and offer commentary.
Maybe I could put up an add or something at the local Barnes and Noble's bulletin board.
I miss reading for pleasure. I have such a deep list of books I dearly, dearly want to read and there's just no time. I used to read several books a week now, I'm lucky if I get 4 done in a month.
More complaining? Very well, one more, then on to your real life: I need to get back into working out. Yoga, ideally, or at least weights and cardio.
Well that's life, balancing priorities. I got a reader's critique off to them and a little story snippet for IM gaming on Monday, so last night was actually pretty productive. The sun is shining. It's is pretty good.
I just need to read and write more.