The downside is the feel of these chapters isn't quite right. I need to get into the characters heads again. The first two drafts had their flaws but they had a unity of feeling. I was inside Jacob and Jael's head. I don't know if I always conveyed that onto the page but I felt it. I'm not sure if this draft has that quality. I need to immerse myself in the world and in the writing. But I'm also hyper-conscious of pacing right now. I think that's pulling me out.
We'll keep charging ahead, though. Tonight we'll do the Grange, this time from Jael's POV. We'll see how that works. After the Grange, we come to another new scene with the Sorcerer. I have high hopes for this scene. It should raise the stakes and tug the plot in a new direction. One inciting incident after another. That's the plan, at least.