I finally subscribed to Publisher's Lunch. Dave Wolverton mentioned that in, like, March and it's only taken me months to get around to doing it. It's only $20 and this way I can find out more details about which agents represent whom. Not that Joel Shepherd or his agent was listed. Sigh. My Smooth Charles stuff apparently reads very similar to his Cassandra Kreshov books. I avoided reading too much of it for just that reason. I don't want to get cross-contamination. Which is kind of sad. I write the kind of stuff I like to read but I'm avoiding reading something I might like because it might be TOO much like what I write. Am I crazy? Don't answer that.
Anyway, I see a few agents that work with Pyr. One even is looking to build her YA acquisitions. She might be a good fit for Angel Odyssey, she represents Jim Butcher's fantasy stuff as well. So she's obviously been to the rodeo once or twice already. I think chapter 1 is ready to be sent out to see if there's more interest. The problem is, I know the book isn't as good as I can make it. I'm only in my second draft of it and I expect to do at least 4 full drafts before I'm 'happy'**. I also have to write a synopsis to send with the first chapter. I haven't done that before. I assume I should just tell the full plot without teasing or ambiguity but I'm not sure. Might be a good post on the new writing board I'm on.
Oy. Then there's work. After today's work stuff, I'll be glad to disappear into the Throne of Writing (tm) for a few, or a lot of, hours.
*seriously, this Chuthulu board game is very hard to win. That might be appropriate considering the source material but it's not fun.
**There is always more work that I can do on a novel, always more polishing. Not to mention that once I think it's fine, that's the time when someone else comes in to point out all the stuff I didn't see. So...yeah, a lot more than 4 full drafts ahead of me, I'm sure.