I got another rejection letter for Island of Lost Gods but they editors hung on to it for a while. Another ‘almost’, that’s good. I might try Black Gate for that story and then start looking at the semi-pro market. Or maybe self-publish it.
I was reading Wool, Amazon hand the whole Omnibus on sale. It’s good, several novellas in the same setting, often with the same characters. I might do something similar with my Shallow Sea short stories. If I self-publish the Angel Odyssey novels, I’ll probably include a short story with each e-book. But it’s a little early to give up on the stories. There are still a few markets out there to ping.
My latest short story in that world, has wandered from novelette territory into Novella length. Needless to say, that limits my markets to F&SF and maybe Tor.com. At least the pro markets will be scarce. I MIGHT be able to cut it down to a ‘mere’ novelette, if I can get it back down under 10k words. Knowing me, editing it will make the thing swell up to a short novel. Heh. I like the story, though, the characters and the world. Maybe it does belong in a novel but it does tell a concrete story.
Anyway, I’m falling behind on submissions. Tonight, I’m going to send a few more out to see what they can pick up: form rejections, kind words, maybe money and a pro sale. Dare to dream, that’s why I do this, after all. I’m a born dreamer.