My homework for the editing class is not going well. I got up to about chapter 8 by last night. I was supposed to get the novel read and commented on in two days. Yeah...
Maybe back in the old days when I didn't have a full-time job, MAYBE that could have happened. But I work in Seattle, I have a commute and I have a writer's group that I need to submit my critiques for. I also am supposed to write a short story and submit one this week. Needless to say, I have NOT written a story so far this week. So far, this experiement isn't working.
So what am I going to do? Well, I'll do the class materials as best I can. I'll try to fit in my read-through and editing around other things. But those other things: The Wordslingers critiques, the write 1, submit 1, job, family...those all come first. I'm not going to drop the class, heavens no, but I'm not going to go nuts trying to keep with homework assignments that seem to think I'm a full-time student.