I had a good writing night last night. Thanks to the frelling bus, I got home late but I didn't waste too much time on video games. (It helps not logging on to SWTOR) Once I started writing, things went pretty well. One scene didn't play out the way I had intended but I may go back and tweak it, some.
I don't know how long this story is going to be. I had the beginning and the ending planned out, which is a good thing, but the concept is enough to make a decent novel or novella. Hopefully I can keep to a few key scenes and hustle things along. It's more of an idea story, which is good for sci-fi. We'll see how things turn out, I'm guessing this will land at around 6k words but we'll see.
It's IM gaming night tonight. Hopefully my heart will be in it, I'm still a little achy from Shadow's death. Maybe some kittens would help. Still weighing the pros and cons of new pets so soon after the loss of one I had for so long. More cons than pros but folks say it's the best way to get over the loss of a pet.
Saturday is the first day of a novel editing class I'm taking. If there's one area I need some tutelage in, it's editing, so I have high hopes. One good sign, the textbook the teacher is using is Donald Maas' Writing the Breakout Novel', which I have and highly respect. I'll keep you posted on anything I learn.