It's getting frustrating, actually. I need to be moving forward with my 4th draft and for the last several weeks 'other things' have been intruding. I need to make time to write as well as critique other people's work and all the other non-writing stuff. I was better at this, earlier in the year. I don't FEEL burnt out but I wonder if there's something inside me trying to hold be back, trying to put up distractions and obstacles.
Well once we get the house bought and the website for work launched, I'll be less stressed and have more time. But I feel like I can't just wait for life to calm down. Life is never going to really calm down and hand me free time to write.( I need to make time and if other things get cut, then they get cut. I'd rather write than do just about anything. So I need to do it, just write.
That said, I have about 5 pieces to critique for Saturday's writer's group. Hopefully I can pound those out and get some work done on the next revision of Jael and Jacob. I'll post another update on how that new, faster paced draft is being received, later.