One thing I noticed was that I hadn't quite found my rhythm yet. Chapter 3 is too long, too talky with too much exposition, I'm afraid. I'm planning cuts but we'll see if my critique groups feel the same way or if they want to cut the same things I do. Who knows, I could be wrong. Some stuff in Smooth Running I thought I should cut has been some of the most popular passages.
You really get a feel for Jacob in chapter 3, I think. He still feels like a child, wanting to run and hide from his brothers, from his father, from his chores. It's quite a contrast to Jacob by the end of the book. Jael comes off as enigmatic and playful for someone who just had her wings burned off and fell three miles. I like the playful side to her but I'm hoping it doesn't cause too much dissonance in the reader. I hope they can see or want to see deeper into her behavior, especially when contrasted with her POV chapters. That's the advantage of switching POV every chapter. First you see someone from the inside, then you see them as another person sees them. Hopefully both views will develop the characters and, keep their interest.
That's the problem with chapter 2 and 3, so far. They aren't page turners like chapter 1 was. I need to polish them more on subsequent drafts. I don't want anyone being able to put the story down. I'm not there yet, but that's the goal.
Finally, I'm liking the ending of each chapter so far. They just feel 'done'. So far...