Chapter 31 isn't an earth-shaker but it accomplishes two things. It shows us Jael's feelings and it gets the pair of them to Basal Mount. It also shows some other things, like Jacob really having turned his back on his childhood. Hopefully people will see and like the symbolism I chose.
Chapter 32 is the emotional climax for Jacob. If people aren't tearing up in Chapter 32, I official suck at writing.
It's interesting, the chapters 27-37 manage to do double duty in all their scenes. They both advance the plot and reveal character to build the world. My early chapters typically only do one of those things at a time.(there are a few exceptions, but on the whole the first few chapters do only one thing). If I's written my first chapters like I'd written the last ten...the whole book might be just 20 chapters long. Though I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not.
Scenes doing double duty IS a good thing, don't get me wrong, but there is a certain value in writing a book you want to linger over. I don't know if I've done that or not but I'm trying to.
Well, it sounds like my fourth draft needs to have more of this late chapter mojo. We'll see how it goes and I'll keep you informed.