I've thought about mapping out a list of all the chapters in the book and making a note of which ones are too long. Maybe if there will be some pattern that I can find that will let me break the chapters up without destroying the POV flow. I'll plan on rereading my own blog here to see which chapters I was bellyaching about.
Chapter nine otherwise read pretty well. Reading the chapter aloud really helps to catch typos and passages that don't sound right. My intention with this revision pass was just to correct typos and copy edit problems but I found myself doing some re-writing; cutting some sentences and adding new one. I decided to go with it. It'll have to get done anyway and if it's a bit more polished before my critique readers get to it, that's all for the best.
I plan on finish up chapter nine tonight (I finished 14, double-spaced pages and the chapter still wasn't done) and see if I can find a way to break it in half and maybe add something new between nine and ten.
Finally, I was listening to some of George R. R. Martin's Dreamsongs during my morning commute. Some of the stories are very good, GRRM does horror well for one, but others are...well, they invoked my inner editor. I'm not sure I like that. I've read for pleasure my whole life and in the past year, I've started reading critically. To the detriment of my enjoyment, I fear. I may have a longer blog post about this soon. Hmm.