As for Angel Odyssey, I got three more chapters done last night. But I’m thinking about cutting one or two. The chapters aren’t bad but I’m wondering how necessary they are. I wanted to show the mounting misery and frustration one of the characters is feeling. It seemed more organic and natural if that resentment grew over time instead of appearing all at once in one chapter. I still think that’s the best way to do it but I’m wondering if there isn’t another way. I guess this just goes back to me wondering if I should even include this character at all. The story moves faster without him but it also loses some depth. And, based on the feedback I’ve been getting, depth is something this story needs.
I’m also cutting a lot of internal dialog, still. I think it’s is/was a crutch for me, to tell the reader what the characters are thinking instead of really getting tight into their POV and letting their actions and dialog show their feelings. On the other hand, a lot of things never get said aloud and some of those things are important. You can set up a certain dissonance or even irony by people thinking one thing and saying another. I don’t know, it’s something to think about for novel #3. Of course that book is a first person, present tense story, so we’ll see how that goes. Sigh. I really, really want to be done with Angel Odyssey and have it out the door. There’s so much more I want to write.