I'm writing it like a thriller, fast-paced, terse, not a ton of detail (but being specific in my details when I show them). When I went back to re-write a couple paragraphs (for plot reasons), I added more details to the scene. When I did, that section 'slowed down'. It really stuck out, like sore thumb.
So I went back to Angel Odyssey, which was written as Epic Fantasy, not as a thriller. The level of detail was much heavier. The pace was slower. Now, if you've read my travails with AO over the past year or two, you remember that the number one thing I was fussing over was the pacing of it.
Back to Mageborn Mechanic. Fast-paced but I noticed that I was blazing by some scenes where the emotion and the plot impact should probably be heightened.
Here's my problem. The two forces, detail and pacing, seem to be diametrically opposed. The more detail I put in, the pacing slows down and that section stands out. (Which may be a good thing, considering the scene) But it also jars a bit, to me at least. On the other hand, as written, I feel like I'm glossing over some things that are huge (and horrific, which might be why I resisted putting the details out there in the first place)
Am I right? Do you have to have one or the other? Fast-paced or highly-detailed? Does anyone know of any Fantasy or Thriller novels that are both fast-paced and highly detailed? I'm racking my brain here...