In line with that, tonight I'm going to tackle the next chapter in the fourth draft. I want to combine both 'going for a walk' scenes and get Jacob and Jael to town. Knowing me, it won't be easy. There's always so much I want to do, I think I get in my own way.
I have started adding epigrams to the beginning of each chapter. Nothing long, a sentence or two at most. I love writing them. I love the the windows into the world you can create with them. I plan on using them to answer questions no one asks, in character. Like what Eidothean magic is*. Well, we'll see what happens.
I have a hard deadline that I'm imposing for myself. Angel Odyssey has to be 'done' and sent out by the end of March. If I can do that, then I'm on my way to finishing at least one novel a year. I can do that while working full time, I think.
*Unless I get a bunch of readers who are up on their Greek myths, this one will probably fly over people's heads...sort of like a Chrysaor might.