I bring this up because I’ve been dreading editing Smooth Running for months. But now that I’m doing it, it’s…not so bad. There are some nit pics to take care of, a few corrections I have to revert from what my editor, Manny Frishberg, made. I have to write a scene here and there. And I may need to swap some other scenes around.
But it isn’t the life-ending doom I thought it would be. Is the book perfect? Heck now, Smooth Running was my first novel and I’ve learned a heck of a lot since writing it four years or so ago. I’m sure the same will be true of any novel I write four years from now. But it still works. It’s still entertaining. To me at least and if I’m entertained, odds are someone else will be.
So that’s my thought I want to share: whatever you’re dreading, it’s not that bad once you get into it. So, fellow writers, just do it. Just do the work. Just write, just edit, just send it out.
It’s not going to be that bad.