I get inside each character's head and let them speak. Sometimes, frustratingly so, they don't say the one thing the scene needs to have said. Sometimes it just doesn't fit naturally in the give and take of conversation between two people. Then I have to go back, like last night, and enter in the missing line or lines so I can pay off on it later or so forth.
But sometimes, my subconscious is right, I think. One major conversation that didn't happen was between Jacob and Jael. There had been a lot of talk about wishes earlier. People wanting Jael to grant them a wish or egging Jacob on, asking him what he was going to wish for. It's popular lore in Jacob's culture that Oskmey can grant wishes. Which is true, though there is a twist: granting the wish also removes their gift of mortality; basically they can grant one wish and then they die. But despite thinking about what he might wish for, Jacob never brought it up. Several time Jael thinks he's going to and she'd bracing herself for it and...nothing. He never asks. That was frustrating me until I asked myself why Jacob never brought it up. It turns out, he has a good reason.
Jacob never asks her for a wish because he doesn't want to be like everyone else. Everyone, pretty much, wants Jael or want's something from her. Not that Jacob's a saint. He's a boy he REALLY want to tap that ass, so to speak but he doesn't want to be like everyone else. He wants Jael to be happy and safe. THAT conversation, I'm going to make sure they have. Because I like that about Jacob. He does have a great heart. It's only sad that in the real world, Jacob's all around the world get ignored for agressive asshole who know what they want and will lie, flatter do whatever it takes to get it. That's why I'm writing this novel. In this one, the nice kid wins in the end. Though, not without some tears.