The next chapter is her leavetaking. Should be wrenching for both of them. Chapter 30 is from Jacob's POV and is going to be him dealing with their separation and his attempts to get out of the castle and head up the mountain after her. Some people would mope or cry and sulk, Jacob isn't going to. Even with the complications and pain I'm about to heap on his chances of catching up to Jael, he's going to keep trying. Call that the good part of being stubborn.
Chapter 31 may also be from Jacob's POV. I'm not sure, I've been alternating chapter POV's regularly throughout the book. I havent' decided if I should stick with that or if I should stay with Jacob for a few chapters. Typically, if a POV character says 'farewell' and never gets another POV chapter, the reader thinks they may well be gone. Food for thought, I'm not sure yet. We'll see how much time I make for writing this weekend. It's a holiday weekend and the 3rd anniversary of me and my wife meeting, so I may be busy. On the other hand, I'm sure I can steal a few hours Saturday and a few hours Sunday. Gotta keep writing! It's a sickness.