Bah! Excuses are for the week, you say. And you’re right. I’ll try to be more focused this week.
One thing I want to work on are my female characters. I’ll be honest, getting inside a woman’s head is a lot harder than getting inside her…nevermind. The point is, it’s not easy or natural for me. Women look at the world differently. I know this and I can even do the mental gymnastics in my head to try to see the world from their point of view. The problem is, I haven’t been. I’ve been writing my female characters in shorthand and they deserve better from me. I’m grateful to the Wordslingers for pointing this flaw out to me. Now that I see what I’m doing, I can fix it. I think.
Novel revisions are also on my mind. I’m giving serious thought to actually adding a completely new character to The Mageborn Mechanic. As it is, the novel is very streamlined, like most thrillers. It may benefit from more plot threads but I’m not sure how to do that without adding another character. More thinking is required, I feel. I may clean up this draft and just send it out for feedback, as-is. We’ll see.
I’m also trying to decide which novel I should work on next. A new Smooth Charles action/scifi/magic novel or if I should write the sequel to Angel Odyssey. Angel Odyssey was always intended to be a trilogy and I have a clear idea of what themes would be at work. It would also be good to get back to writing Fantasy, especially in a world I already have established in my head.