It's not perfect.
It had errors.
I don't think they wanted to give me 'bad news'.
The ugly truth is that Angel Odyssey isn't as good as it could be. I knew that but I thought it was 'good enough' to show people. It's not. It needs to be better.
So I started editing chapter one again, trying to look at it with fresh eyes. And lo and behold, I found things to cut and correct. I need to be doing this. No one else should be editing my work yet. Not until it IS as good as I can make it.
You see, I was blinded by all the good comments I got on chapter one from critique group members. And, yes, there is a lot in chapter one that works and that pulls the reader along. But those engaging bits are NOT in the first four pages. And that's where I need the most work.
So. No more submissions to agents, writing groups, editors and the like until I think it's perfect. Chapter one got a good going over on Friday. Tonight it's chapter 2's turn.