The scene is from Jael's POV. I hope that works, too. It almost has to be from Jael's POV because, despite the fact it's Jacob's fight, its Jael who has the actual turning point. Jacob is nearly berserk for the whole fight, I could write it from his point of view but there's only so much you can do with frenzy and fear. (I do think I need to do the next fight scene with some of that from Jacob's POV but we'll see about that when we get there.)
For Jael, this is the moment when she realizes that she actually loves Jacob. In a way, the rest of the book is Jael trying to come to terms with that and figure out what that means for her.
For Jacob, this is one of the rites of passage from childhood to adulthood. And it's an ugly passage, with nothing glorious about it, from his point of view. Still, after making a few dialog and character changes, this chapter made me want to get up out of the Throne of Writing(tm) and cheer. I was literally sweating by the time it was done.
I can't wait to get to work on chapter 28. After that, though, I need to make a few changes to chapters 2 and 3 and prep the third draft of chapter 4 for the online writing group.