My goal for the second half of the year is to submit more. I have been pretty good at putting out content, at least as first draft. Now is the time to take the next step: getting it out there. And not just short stories. I have three novels completed, one is almost done with the editing and ready for Amazon. I am going to try very hard to actually do the work required to get them ready and then send them out. The ‘sending out’ is the hard part for me.
I don’t know if its laziness or a writerly reluctance to let people see my flaws, as every editing pass I do, I seem to find something wrong. My guess is it’s a bit a both. I do have a certain anxiety regarding Smooth Running, since it’s my first novel and had its plot grafted on midway through the drafting process. On the other hand, I know my stuff is good. Some of it might even be great. So what am I afraid of?
But that’s no excuse. I’ll keep sending stuff out and I’ll do a better job of keeping you up to date. For all you other writers out there, just send it out.