He said, "Oh yes, every year."
I said, "Well, maybe I'll see you there."
He said, "Good luck with your own work." (I obviously am giving off the scent of a writer...time to start wearing more cologne)
I thanked him again and left and only THEN realized...I forgot to introduce myself! Well, Wayne knows who I am. And if I do see Guy Kay at world Fantasy, I'll have a semi-embarrassing way of introducing myself, again.
All of this meant I didn't get home before 9pm. With a 10pm bedtime (I need to think about staying up later to write), you'd think I didn't get much work done. You'd be right...and wrong.
You see, I spent my lunch break at work typing away in gmail. I got a page or so done for Chapter 5 but when I read back to myself I realized something. I was telling, now showing. I was TELLING everything the female protagonist was thinking and feeling but I wasn't SHOWING it.
And suddenly it was clear how I should really start Chapter five. I knew what I wanted to say or rather, show. That work spent TELLING, told me what I needed to show.
So, food for thought: try telling what you want to say, then go back and SHOW it, instead. I'm going to, after I play some serious Magic: The Gathering tonight, taht is. Sigh. I am going to have to write my hinder off if I'm going to make that June 30 deadline...
*Is it me or is that the hardest middle name to spell in all Fantay?