I was pumped up and excited after Norwescon, I had three invitations to submit stories, I had a plan to write consistently from 7:30~9:30 every day… But it’s back to the slog. The slow, painful effort to get stuff done. I swear, big bursts of writing energy, like at the Rainforest Writers Retreat actually seem to do more harm than good. Ish. It was VERY good to get so much of Angel Seculsion (tentative name) written in three or four days. But afterwards, it’s like the well is dry and my brain is exhausted.
The problem is, my brain tells me it wants to play video games. Which is like my belly telling me it wants Pepsi. Even if it’s true, it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
So, slogging. I got a new rejection for a flash fiction piece and quickly sent it out this morning to another market. I am revising my military scifi/superhero story for the fourth time…and realizing I should be revising ALL my stories four or five times. Sheesh. I suck, sometimes. I want to get a new short story written this weekend and I’m resetting my expectations for it. It’s going to need revision. And I haven’t even written it yet. :)
Ah well, good thing I love writing so much.