Its actually one of the chapters I was most proud of so I'm almost surprised at all the revising I'm finding myself doing. Someone (Harry Shaw or Michel Crichton) said, "There is no such thing as writing, only re-writing" or words to that effect. That exaggerates things a bit but the amount of time and effort I put into revisions is much, much greater than in writing the first draft. Ah well, forging onward. Forward momentum!
I had planned to write more about World Fantasy but I think I said it all yesterday. That or it's too early in the morning for deep thoughts. I guess the final word I have is: keep in touch with the people you met. Write the emails saying 'nice to meet you' to the people you exchanged cards with. Post on author's blogs for those authors you connected with. Just a note, a 'it was nice meeting you. I'm looking forward to reading your next work' kind of thing. This isn't always easy for introverted guys like myself. But we need to do more than just 'meet' people, we need to keep in touch with them. Friend them on Facebook, read their stuff and for God's sake, don't pimp your latest book to them. Let them ask, if they're curious. :)