Which got me thinking. The story I'm working on is a sexy fantasy novel, not really intended for publication, just something to fool around with. However, I was writing it as if it was a 'realistic' fantasy novel.
Elmore Leonard has a great quote that he "...leaves out the stuff the people usually skip." That is great advice and something I need to do in this novel.
With my new YA supernatural thriller (and I'll get a tab and a blog thread set up for it soon), things are already outlined and structured pretty darn lean and mean. I'm sure I'll be able to cut a chapter or two's worth of length when I'm done but on the whole, I'm just writing the 'good stuff'. That's easier, for me, in a thriller than in a fantasy novel.
Don't ask me why but when I'm writing fantasy, I like to wander. I like to look around, see the world and the world needs to be 'real' for me. That is great for Angel Odyssey but this new story isn't intended to be realistic, even if it is set in the same world. It's supposed to be fun, action-packed, sexy. That's what I need to write. I need to write the cool stuff and leave out the stuff people will skip.
The next time Nathan gets cursed, I'm going to spend three paragraphs on all the 'normal' ways he tries to get rid of it. Not three thousand words.