I’m thinking it more as a writing exercise and if publishable stuff comes out of it (after a boat-load of editing, probably), that’s a bonus. Endings are a problem for me and I hope to teach myself to write some good ones. The problem is, I only occasionally come up with a story idea where the ending is clear. Angel Odyssey is the rare exception where it sprang Athena-like whole from my head. So, here’s hoping I learn something.
It’s a little early to be complaining, I’m still hitting my targets, but today’s short story is not flowing easily. But I can probably brute force it to an ending. I’m noticing that I’m coming up with story ideas or story titles but I haven’t really hit the sweet spot yet. Ah well, it’s early yet.
And since it’s early, I want to try something else: I think I should be writing stories I’d like to read. I know, obvious, right? But the last few stories were mostly things I thought might fit into an anthology or magazine or just me chasing my tail. I suspect I’ll have fewer authorship problems if I keep writing stories I’m passionate about. Not just stories I’m too stubborn to drop :)
*Actually, this might fit better as a series of chapters in a novel. We’ll see.