There are a couple problems, though. There are some questions that Jacob asked that Jael said, "I'll tell you later" that I would like to get into the novel but there doesn't feel like a natural place to answer it without bogging down the plot.
I've had this problem before. What feels natural for plot flow and pacing doesn't quite work for what real people would do. If someone told me 'I'll tell you later', then the next time I saw them, I'd ask. But doing that feels like a big info dump and worse, kerlunky.
This needs more thought.
I need to pass the information along to the characters and the reader but also I need to do so in a way that feels natural and that doesn't create big blocks of text or dialog that doesn't move the plot forward. I don't know. Maybe I'm stressing about nothing. I'll take a look at it when I get a chance and see if there's a good place to put it in. Rabble.
It's a good thing I had a productive day yesterday. Today is IM gaming day and tomorrow I have a job interview. Oy. Maybe I can write some over the weekend if the wife agrees.